Strongfield supported State-owned Oman Aluminium Rolling Company (OARC), in a year-long probe by the US Department of Commerce

Silvio Stockmann advised the CEO on cost accounting, forensic data, evidencing, market intel and analytics
Strongfield supported State-owned Oman Aluminium Rolling Company (OARC), in a year-long probe by the US Department of Commerce into allegations that the sultanate unfairly capitalized on OARC’s operations in a US countervailing duty investigation.
As an advisor to the CEO, Peter Rijkoort and embedded in an international team of lawyers in Muscat, Washington and Geneva, Strongfield was responsible for the verification of the financial data, documents using forensic cost and performance accounting in SAP and provided market and competitor intelligence and trade data to support the legal defense.
As a result of the investigation, the US Department of Commerce concluded, that the state-owned banks in Oman did not promote OARC, which is why only a very low duty rate of 5.3% was levied on US imports of OARC from Oman. This led to a significant growth in the export volume of the OARC to the USA.

Silvio Stockmann
Partner, Strongfiled Management
Advisor to the CEO, Juni 2020 to Juni 2021
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